joke books are a good alternative to greeting cards
joke books vs greeting cards

Send Joke Books Instead of Holiday Cards

I’ve got some pretty compelling reasons why you may want to send joke books rather than greeting cards for birthdays and holidays this year:

  • The average greeting card has one joke in it while the average joke book has over 100 jokes.
  • The average cost of greeting cards is around $4.00 while the average joke book cost is around $7.00.

Therefore, the average cost per joke/laugh is MUCH less for joke books than for greeting cards. Plus, consider the novelty and surprise when someone receives a joke book rather than the same old greeting card for their birthday or Valentine’s Day or Easter or… Sending joke books is nearly as easy or even easier than sending birthday cards or holiday greeting cards. I’ll explain how to do it and include some helpful links below.

How to Send Joke Book Greeting Cards

Sending joke books instead of greeting cards is easy, and it’ll make you a big hit with siblings, children, nieces, nephews, parents, uncles, aunts, friends, etc. Try it for a year. Every time you would normally send a greeting card, send a joke book instead. Here’s a quick lesson in how to do it. First, get envelopes for your book. Most joke books are 6×9 paperbacks, so either get a flat-rate envelope from the post office or order the right size envelopes from Amazon. I recommend bubble mailers that are slightly larger than 6″ x 9″. Next order lots of fun joke books for various occasions and holidays. Here are some booklists for various special celebration days. You can’t go wrong by choosing joke books from these lists: 

Once you have your envelopes and hilarious books, you just need to send them to your friends & families. For the first year, you may just pick one specific holiday such as Valentine’s Day and send Valentine joke books to everyone. Or just pick a particular person and send them joke books for each special day of the year. I guarantee, you are going to get rave reviews for your thoughtfulness and originality. And they will be enjoying their funny gift for years to come. Can you say that about greeting cards?

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joke books vs greeting cards